CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody.
— Boston Police Dept.さん (@Boston_Police) 2013年4月20日
In our time of rejoicing, let us not forget the families of Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu, Krystle Campbell and Officer Sean Collier.
— Boston Police Dept.さん (@Boston_Police) 2013年4月20日
Explosive devices set off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday injured more than 170 people and took the lives of three spectators: a joyful 8-year-old, an ambitious finance student from China and a young woman remembered for always having a smile on her face.
- Victims of the Bombings at the Boston Marathon(nytimes.com)
- He was truly one of us(MIT news)Memorial Service for MIT Police Officer Sean Collier